Monday, March 14, 2011


Final weight lifting week of the second phase and two weeks left until the 60 day pictures.  Time to push ourselves to the limit and leave it all on the mat.  Go for that extra rep, or weight.  Think about what Tony says, "the last three have to burn", do they?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another week down and feeling good. I'm really enjoying the new workouts and the difference in my physic, still swinging hard.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Phase II

Well, here we are. I'm getting ready to do my first workout for this week. Things are good and I feel great. I definitely feel stronger and healthier. Not much of a difference in numbers. I weighed and measured myself. Results: 20.72 percent body fat w/Navy Formula.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ready for Phase II

It is time for the beginning of Phase II.  Time for different workouts, muscle confusion, and stomach confusion.  Our diets will change come tomorrow, we can add in more carbs.  It is going to be tough and confusing at first but stick with it, give it your best and don't forget to just give it all you got.  Time for 30 day photos and your 30 fat % recalculation.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 3

So here we are, approaching the end of week three. No crispy cream doughnuts, no soda, and no double bacon cheeseburger from Carl's Jr. Just P90X. Proud of everyone who has kept their commitment to a better body, eating habits, and goals. Looking forward to the next phase. Bring It!

Monday, February 14, 2011

FYI- Whey Protein Sale

For those of you interested...GNC has a sale on Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein in the 5 lb tub for $44.99.  That is about $10 cheaper than anywhere in town and GNC is never cheaper.  Out of all the Whey Proteins on the market and I have tried several, I like this one the best.  Just FYI.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 2- Done?

For some of us the second week is now complete.  For others like myself, there is one more workout scheduled for tomorrow.  Because of school on Thursday night, I moved Yoga X to Sundays.  Some of you have had a tough week with fires, work, sick family member, or even sick yourselves.  This stuff happens to all of us but so what if you missed a day or so this week.  If you don't have something scheduled tomorrow than make it up then.  Don't become frustrated and whatever you do, do not quit.  Do not let yourself off the hook, time to recharge the batteries and prepare to get back on track and refocus.  Nobody is perfect and we mess up along the way, the atonement gives us a redo and so will tomorrow.  Put any excuses and past results behind you and move forward with an eye on the prize.  The prize of a healthier, less sore, less tired, less heartburn, less....